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Qatar Petroleum Industrial Port

Qatar Petroleum, Ras Laffan

Qatar Petroleum is responsible for all phases of the oil and gas industry in Qatar. During the past few years Qatar has continued its climb towards becoming the world leader in the production and export of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) and plays a major role in the country’s growing GDP.

The industrial city of Ras Laffan is a key location for much of Qatar Petroleum’s activity and is located north east of Doha covering 106 square kilometers. Run by a management team appointed by Qatar Petroleum, the city hosts one of the world’s largest LNG export ports, and several large industrial facilities. The port facility has a massive LNG export capacity of 30 million metric tons per annum, supplying LNG to the UK and other European destinations via its fleet of gas container ships.

Ras Laffan City (RLC) is continually undergoing development to keep pace with growing global demand for its products and a recent project saw the completion of new accommodation and office blocks. Prime power was provided by 2 containerised Endcape gensets with a combined output of 1 MW, each one controlled by a DSE load share control module. The gensets were required to work one at a time for 12 hours each, performing a no-break changeover at the end of each period to provide an uninterrupted power supply.

The multi-set control modules automatically control the gen-sets’ synchronising, changeover, start-up and shut-down procedures and also monitor the load demand, bringing in the resting generator to parallel with the other, at times of high-peak usage. This 2-set system also safeguards the accommodation and office facility from loss of power. In the event of engine failure of one genset, the second genet will start and take the load.

The load share control modules also provide extensive engine and power monitoring and control via their front panel display. This gives maintenance crews easy access to system status, sophisticated event logs and power instrumentation etc. DSE sent a Customer Support Engineer to RLC to help with commissioning and the system has been working exactly as intended from day one. 

For further information please contact Deep Sea Electronics plc.