Engine & Pump Control Modules (E-Series)


Engine Only Control Module

Release Notes

E-Series Release Notes
English E-Series Release Notes.

Information on features added at version release. 

V15 26/09/2024


Software Manuals

DSEE100 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual
English Configuration Suite PC Software Manual for the DSEE100


Software Downloads

DSE Configuration Suite Software Installer
2.346.4 The DSE Configuration Suite Software Installer should be installed to your laptop/PC hard drive. Once installed the software will be ready for use immediately. To begin configuring your module type, start by selecting the module you are using. Configurations can then be created and saved for future use.  This download provides the full DSE Configuration Suite Software for use on Windows machines. The software has an auto update feature included and will notify you when updates are available for download. 
  • 12.02.2025
  • English
  • Windows 10, Windows 11
Microsoft.Net Framework V 4.5
4.5.2 Microsoft.Net Framework V 4.5 must be installed on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Widows 8.1 machines for the DSE Configuration Suite Software to function correctly. If your Windows machine does not have this software installed the DSE Configuration Suite Software will cancel its install and prompt you to install Microsoft.Net Framework V 4.5 first. Once this software has been installed the DSE Configuration Suite Software will install ready for use.  This software must be installed on your Windows machine before the DSE Configuration Suite Software will install correctly. 
  • 23.11.2018
  • English
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10


Training Documents

Recommended Practices for Wiring Resistive Sensors
English Document providing recommended guidelines for wiring resistive sensors to DSE modules, and examples of common mistakes made when doing so.
Remote Start Input Functions
English Document describing priority and functionality of Remote Start Input Functions.
USB Earth Loops and Isolation
English USB Earth Loops and Isolation