Worldwide Distributors Network

Mobile: 070 5316 8423 or 080 3300 5442
Company Profile
A specialist and market leader in control, protection, instrumentation and monitoring systems for power plants and other power supply systems.We have complete solutions for most applications demanded by Industry such as power supply control, monitoring and distribution systems, motor control centres (MCC) for industrial motors and turbine applications, manual starting systems, remote or automatic starting, automatic mains failure (AMF), automatic synchronizing and load sharing on multiple gen sets or multiple gen sets with mains supply, synchronizing gen sets with turbines for black starting, fixed KW export, load sharing and many more. Our control system also combines various power supply sources into one central automatic system to enable them operate as required.
Our unique ability to interface with most gen sets governor, AVR’s or third party control systems, make our control systems suitable for most standard power plants and enables us easily archive the most complex configurations.
Our remote monitoring and control systems offer monitoring and control of most equipment from anywhere in the world via cable or wireless connections, short message service (SMS), GPRS WEB SCADA interface with status and alarm notifications sent by email and SMS to designated email addresses and cell phones anywhere in the world. We can remotely monitor and control most electrical equipments such as power generating plants, transformers, inverters and battery systems, circuit breakers, panel meters or entire control systems located anywhere in the world.
Product Ranges
Regional Coverage
Specialist Areas
Remote monitoring and control systems for all types of equipment.
Sales, Installation and support of the DSE range of power generating plant control modules, battery chargers and other products
Sales Installation and support for the Terasaki range of electrical circuit breakers and related accessories.