Season's Greetings and Opening Hours
Instead of posting seasonal greetings cards this year we have made a donation to St. Catherine's Hospice, an outstanding local hospice that provides the best possible care to patients with life limiting illnesses.
We are sure you will share our passion for making a contribution to a charity that provides such an important service when people need it the most.
Tuesday 24th December 2019 - Early Closure.
Wednesday 25th December 2019 - Closed.
Thursday 26th December 2019 - Closed.
Friday 27th December 2019 - Closed.
Monday 30th December 2019 - Open 08.30 - 17.00.
Tuesday 31st December 2019 - Open 08.30 - 17.00.
Wednesday 1st January 2020 - Closed
Thursday 2nd January 2020 - Normal Hours Resume
Monday 23rd December 2019 - Shipping.
Tuesday 24th December 2019 - Friday 27th December 2019 - No Shipping.
Monday 30th December 2019 - Tuesday 31st December 2019 - Shipping.
Wednesday 1st January 2020 - No Shipping.
Thursday 2nd January 2020 - Normal Shipping Resumes.
Please make a note of this information and ensure that if you require items despatched before December 25th 2019, this is clearly stated on all orders placed.
If you have any queries, please email: sales@deepseaelectronics.com