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New BC2410Ei Enclosed Intelligent Battery Charger - Now Available

We are delighted to announce the release of our brand new next-generation Enclosed Intelligent Battery Charger, the DSEBC2410Ei.

Developed to replace the DSE9461 battery charger the BC2410Ei provides a wide range of advanced features and benefits for a wide range of applications across multiple industries. 

To learn more about this exciting new charger development click here

The following variants of the charger are available:

DSEBC2410Ei-01 - 12/24 Volt 10 Amp Enclosed Intelligent Battery Charger (Display)

DSEBC2410Ei-02 - 12/24 Volt 10 Amp Enclosed Intelligent Battery Charger (Display & Meters)

DSEBC2410Ei-03 - 12/24 Volt 10 Amp Enclosed Intelligent Battery Charger (Meters)

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