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New Format for DSE Training Courses

We are delighted to announce that we will be continuing to hold regular monthly training events at our Head Office in North Yorkshire, UK throughout 2012.

These courses have been totally refreshed, re-designed and improved for 2012, so previous attendees can now re-book for one of the new subjects available.

We will be running different training courses each month to give attendees the ability to learn as much about the DSE range as possible. 

See below for the dates the courses are running:

(Additional dates for later in the year will be released shortly)

The courses are as follows:

DSE Remote Communications    Tuesday February 14th 2012

DSENetĀ® Expansion Devices    Tuesday March 13th 2012

DSE Synchronising and Load Sharing  Tuesday 10th April 2012

All training events run 10am - 4pm.

If you would like to register your place on one of these training events please contact us on 0044 (0) 1723 890099 and ask for Technical Support or email support@deepseaelectronics.com

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